Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cloth Nappy Week NZ

So... cloth nappy week is coming to an end tomorrow.... I hope you have learnt something about cloth nappies or celebrated the wearing of cloth nappies this week!  Better late than never but here is our little celebration for Cloth Nappy Week.....

Want to be in for a chance to buy this itti bitti tutto in Fleur or a few other Cloth Nappy products for just $1??  

Check out our Cloth Nappy Week $1 Deal on Facebook.  If you took part in our Mother's Day $1 deal, it's pretty much the same...follow our instructions below:


(1) Email your name to (probably best if this is the name you use on Facebook to tie in with the tags)

(2) Tag the ONE product that you want a chance to purchase in our Cloth Nappy Week $1 Deal Album.
REMEMBER: ONE TAG ONLY PER PERSON PLEASE - which means just tag the ONE product you would like a chance to purchase (if you tag more than one product, any additional tags will be removed).

Entries will close 10pm NZ time Monday night (23 May 2011).

I will collate all entries and Mr.Random.Org will pick ONE person who will then get the chance to purchase the product they tagged for just $1.

Good luck, have fun and enjoy!  As usual, feel free to share the cloth nappy love with your friends on Facebook for extra entries.  Make sure you use the @Bubbalooz function so I know you have done this.