Want to be in for a chance to buy this itti bitti tutto in Fleur or a few other Cloth Nappy products for just $1??
Check out our Cloth Nappy Week $1 Deal on Facebook. If you took part in our Mother's Day $1 deal, it's pretty much the same...follow our instructions below:
(1) Email your name to competitions@bubbalooz.co.nz (probably best if this is the name you use on Facebook to tie in with the tags)
(2) Tag the ONE product that you want a chance to purchase in our Cloth Nappy Week $1 Deal Album.
REMEMBER: ONE TAG ONLY PER PERSON PLEASE - which means just tag the ONE product you would like a chance to purchase (if you tag more than one product, any additional tags will be removed).
Entries will close 10pm NZ time Monday night (23 May 2011).
I will collate all entries and Mr.Random.Org will pick ONE person who will then get the chance to purchase the product they tagged for just $1.
Good luck, have fun and enjoy! As usual, feel free to share the cloth nappy love with your friends on Facebook for extra entries. Make sure you use the @Bubbalooz function so I know you have done this.